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What is the label Post Master Degree ?

A Master degree is an academic qualification granted at the postgraduate level to students who have successfully done at least 5 years of university studies. In France, it is awarded by universities, graduate engineering schools and some business schools. The ESTACA diploma awards, for example, a Master degree.

A Post Master [Mastère spécialisé ® (« Specialized Master ») in French)], is a label created by the French Conférence des Grandes Ecoles** in order to recognize diplomas at the post master level. It usually aims graduates with at least 5 years of higher education (Master degree) who wish to specialise in a particular in a particular advanced domain. Post Masters are highly valued by recruiters, because they provide cutting-edge knowledge meeting the specific needs of companies.

** The Conference of Grandes Ecoles (CGE) is a French national institution that represents the best graduate engineering institutions.

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